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Working at Home

Mental Health

during a Pandemic

Coping with Stress and Anxiety in a Pandemic
  • Understand some anxiety will be normal. There is a lot of unknown during this time. COVID-19 is new, and this can lead to anxiety in many. This leads us to want to learn more and take precautions

  • Try to avoid overwhelming yourself with information. There is a lot of false news and media. Stick to credible sources and limit your intake.

  • Take time for yourself during this. Step away from social media and electronics. Enjoy things that assist in rest such as yoga, meditation, exercise, reading etc.

  • Keep up with healthy eating and getting appropriate sleep

  • If you're stressed avoid turning to substances for support


For more information visit: 

Helping Hand Badge
Tips for you & your family during a Quarantine 

For Children

  • You'll want to inform children of what is happening at a high level

    • Keep the negative details away from your kids, they are not equipped to process information like us adults

  • Attempt to keep their routine going. Explain any necessary changes and plans for them.

  • No matter what we are facing as parents it's important to emphasize keeping positive - be their calm.

  • Watch for changes in your childrens behaviour.


Loved Ones

  • If you don't live together check in on others. Make use of virtual platforms to help make yourself and others feel less lonely

  • Keep an open communication with your spouse, family members, friends and children

  • Be understanding and supportive through this. Everyone is feeling more on edge than usual.

  • Most importantly take care of yourself! You can't take care of others if you don't put yourself first.

Resources & Contacts
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