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Clear Image is an enactus Grand Falls-Windsor project that began in September of 2018. Co-Founders, Sarah Ballard and Carrie-lee West built the project from scrap with help from a project accelerator from the Co-operators insurance.


Clear Image is a mental health project designed for people of all ages. Starting at ages as low as 5 continuing all the way though retirement.


For younger participants (ages 5-12) we provide hands-on activities, including things such as feelings dice and positivity jars. The feelings dice allows youth to come familiar with their feelings and ways they can handle them. The positivity jars allow youth to connect with their creative side and paint jars to their own liking, these jars contain positive affirmations and sayings that the youth can utilize when they are feeling down.


For the older participants (ages 13-45+) We provide participants with mental health information and outlets through a presentation and “mental health kits” to be handed out after the presentation. These kits are otherwise known as “C.A.R.E kits” (Connect, Accept, Respond, Empower) When decided what would go into these bags, we thought it would be best to include things that can match up with the 5 senses as well as other items and resources. We have a little snack, a calming sounds playlist link, colouring pages, a self-care calendar, and many more beneficial items.


Check out this news article about Clear Image 


About the Founders

About the founders

Sarah Ballard (Right) and Carrie-lee West (Left) first met in their first year of the Business Management Program at the College of the North Atlantic. The two immediately clicked when they both joined the Enactus Grand Falls-Windsor team in 2017.


The two were inspired to create a youth empowerment project while attending the 2018 National Exposition in Toronto. Through multiple discussions over that summer and an idea in their heads, they brought a project model of Clear Image to their team president in September of 2018. From there, they brought their idea to the whole team, bringing more members on board for the journey. 


Entering the research and development stage and getting community partners on board was the first step to grow Clear Image. Two years later, Clear Image has directly impacted nearly 3500 individuals, and now has 10 partners (both local and provincial.) 


"We would not have been able to make such an impact without support from our team, community and each other. It amazing to step back and look at the work our team has done to continue to grow this project."

- Carrie-lee


"Having grown up and experiencing first hand the mental health issues in young adults, and seeing the lack of support and education for youth I was more than happy to start a project like Clear Image. Knowing that we are delivering the helpful tools that I wish I had at that age brings me comfort."

- Sarah Ballard

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