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C.A.R.E Kit


Playlists from Spotify (Sound)

Mental health cards

Mental Health Cards (Sight)

mindful senses.PNG

Healthy Recipes (Taste)


Fun Mental Health Activites (Touch)

Positivity Jars

Positivity jars are a good way to connect with your creative side! For this activity you will need:

- A jar, mug, or anything to contain the positive affirmations

- Paint supplies (If you wish to paint the jar)

- Paper and pen


Gather your materials, and paint/decorate the jar to whichever way you want it to look. Usually, we paint them on the outside so they take less time to dry. While waiting for the jar to dry, write some positive sayings to put in the jar.

Once dried, place the sayings inside. 

The positive affirmations are to be used when you're feeling down


Feelings Dice

The feelings dice are kind of a case scenario activity. It allows youth to understand feelings and how to communicate with them

For this activity you will need:

- Two (2) sheets of paper or bristol board

- Pen to draw the outline of the dice

- Glue

- Printer to print faces, or you could also draw them

- Scissors


Gather your materials and trace the outline on the two sheets bristol board, you could also print them if you plan to use plain paper. The dice templates can also be found by a quick google search. Once traced/printed, cut on the outside lines and crease each inside line. By this time you should be able to begin forming the dice shape, be sure to glue the flaps to make it stick together. Once you have 2 dice made, write or draw different emotions on each side of once dice. On the other dice write things such as "what I can do when I feel" or "what I can say when I feel"

When the dice are made roll them and see what you get! This is a good way to teach young children how to react when they are feeling different emotions


Breathing exercises

The Pretzel


Stand up and cross your ankles.

Now cross your right wrist over your left, turn your hands so your thumbs are facing the floor.

Put your palms together and interlace fingers.

Bend your elbows out and gently turn your hands down and toward your body until they rest on the centre of your chest.

Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth.

Relax and breathe. 

The Balloon

Place your hands on top of your head and interlace your fingers.

Breathe in through your nose as you raise your arms, inflating an imaginary balloon. Release the air in the balloon by pursing your lips, exhaling slowly, lowering  your arms making a "pbpbpbpbpbpbpb" sound


Calming Scents (Smell)


Promotes concentration and has calming and clarifying properties


Helps boost brainstorming and its also a energy booster.


Has calming properties and control emotional stress.



Commonly used as an anti-depressant to boost condidence

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